For many people, actions to prevent climate change can seem costly. Nottingham City Council have recognised that behavioural change among its residents needs to be enabled and so have kick-started several initiatives to support these changes.
Below are two great examples from Nottingham:
- National campaign from charity City to Sea, adopted by water companies
- Asks businesses to join app and display sticker, inviting customers to refill their water bottles for free, thereby reducing plastic and saving money
- Action days in collaboration with Severn Trent who supplied training and resources
- Signed up around 65+ local businesses
- Campaigning on National Refill day (19th June) with Cllr support and Notts TV coverage
- Plans to take forward, particularly promoting during upcoming events
Engaging schools & young people
- Primary Parliament session running every term where primary school children from across city come together to learn and do project work which they then present to a Councillor or senior staff member in the Council House chamber
- Energy Services has supported on multiple occasions, with session themes including solar car building, building smart city models, installing air quality monitoring in schools and, most recently, Trains Fit For the Future, which was followed by a presentation of work to the Transport Select Committee at the Houses of Parliament by 10 pupils.