Southampton City Council – Clean Growth Fund

As part of Southampton City Council’s Clean Growth Fund, work to reduce carbon emissions at three of the council’s buildings are set to commence. The fund is an integral part of the council’s Green City Plan and its commitment to tackle climate change by becoming a carbon neutral council by 2030. Work will deliver energy efficiency and renewable projects in non-domestic buildings.

With support from Salix Finance Ltd, £20million has been committed to the fund over the next 5 years.  The Fund will be matched 50/50 by the council and Salix Finance limited. Offices, schools and other public buildings are being assessed to determine their specific requirements and will be planned as part of the ongoing phases of the fund.

Splitting this into phases will ensure work is planned and prioritised to deliver maximum reductions in carbon. The first phase provides a £1.2million investment in solar panels, lighting and heating efficiency measures. Reducing CO2 emissions by 200 tonnes and bills by £115,000 per year over the lifetime of the measures. Most of these financial savings will be reinvested back into the fund ensuring the fund has the capacity to deliver the CO2 emissions reductions needed across our entire stock.