Oxford City Council – Low Carbon Oxford

In Oxford, targets are shared between a network of organisations. Oxford City Council set up, core funds, coordinates, and works closely with a local collaborative of over 40 organisations from the private, public and not for profit sectors that are responsible for over half of the city’s carbon dioxide emissions.

It was connections made through Low Carbon Oxford network that sparked the story of BMW’s MINI Plant hosting one of the UK’s largest roof-mounted solar farms, generating enough electricity to power 850 homes. The council is supporting Oxfutures II, a partnership to grow Oxfordshire’s low carbon economy through assisting SMEs to reduce energy consumption and implement energy efficiency projects.

Just as councils pursuing the Community Wealth Building (CWB) model are working alongside anchor institutions, Oxfrod City Council is using spending powers to forge a local economy that shares wealth and power more equally. By jointly agreeing targets and delivery plans, partners can support each other on the journey and also hold each other accountable for our contributions to the city’s reductions. From 2016 to 2019, there has been a 24% reduction in Carbon Dioxide emissions and a 56% rise in renewable electricity generated within Oxford.