To date the Council’s Corporate Estates Team has been delivering the Estates Decarbonisation programme with 18 MCC buildings retrofitted so far. Having secured over 30m (made up of Council, UK Council funds and UK Government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme grant) the highest carbon emitting buildings have been prioritised and Wythenshawe Forum, a multi-use building was a priority.
In a typical year, Wythenshawe Forum emitted 699 tCO2 from burning gas and 603 tCO2 from consuming electricity, totalling 1,302 tCO2 per annum. The work completed as part of the carbon reduction programme has resulted in the forecast carbon savings of approximately 640 tCO2 per annum, delivering a 49% reduction in emissions from energy consumption.
Decarbonisation measures installed at Wythenshawe Forum include:
- a large LED lighting & controls upgrade
- combined Heat and Power Engine
- new pool cover
- solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on the roof
- solar PV battery storage
- a large Air Source Heat Pump
- a new Building Management System.