Manchester City Council and Connell Co-op College hosted the first BEE GREEN Education Summit in June 2022, attended by over 120 school leaders, business managers and governors from over 80 education providers as well as several Councillors and Council officers who support the education sector.
The summit’s aim was to:
- Understand the climate crisis challenges and opportunities facing the education sector
- Provide practical ideas and resources to support change
- Provide access to expert advice and tools to enable climate action planning
The summit opened with keynote speakers from the Department of Education, Connell Co-op College and the Executive Member for Early Years, Children and Young People and several young people who were passionate about climate change.
The event ran workshops, that covered: improving building energy efficiencies; waste reduction and recycling; sustainable procurement; and influencing behavioural changes.
There were also market stalls offering advice and resources to education providers. Stall holders included; The Wildlife Trust, Carbon Literacy Project and Ameresco.
Feedback from the event was gathered by the Education Services team which served to inform on the development of the City Council’s Climate Change Strategic Action Plan.