Gateshead Council – Walking and Cycling

Triggered by the need to allow businesses to function safely and effectively during the pandemic, Gateshead Council implemented pavement widening schemes across Gateshead.  Reduced traffic in town centres has resulted in improved air quality and reduced carbon emissions associated with vehicle use during the lockdown period.  

At the same time cycling numbers have increased significantly. The council has been successful in receiving some funding from the Government’s emergency active travel fund to improve cycling and walking infrastructure and support recovery from COVID 19. 

Gateshead’s bike donation scheme, implemented during lockdown, has been highly successful this year, redistributing more than 60 unwanted bikes to new homes with our most vulnerable and in need residents. Gateshead has also launched the Love to Ride app, which provides a community for cyclists across the UK, and awards points and prizes for achievements. In addition, a programme of Dr Bike sessions have taken place at locations across the Borough.