Leicester City Council – Eco-Schools

Leicester City Council has a dedicated Environmental Education Coordinator based in the Energy and Sustainability Team who works with schools to help them become more sustainable. The achievements of the schools in Leicester include:

  • Schools’ Assembly for Students on the Climate Emergency in Leicester- In February 2019, Leicester City Council declared a climate emergency. The implication of declaring a climate emergency is that Leicester will need to work towards becoming carbon neutral as rapidly as possible – so its emissions of greenhouse gases must reach as close as possible to zero, with any remaining emissions that can’t be avoided being offset in some way. Students will develop a greater understanding of climate change and the implications for Leicester and a collective vision will be created of what Leicester will need to be like as a carbon neutral city.
  • The Eco-Schools Litter Less Campaign- The Litter Less Campaign, led by Eco-Schools aims to reduce litter and change long-term behaviour through implementing a waste management system, which involves the whole school.
  • Earth and Air Quality Education- This course delegates the skills and knowledge to deliver exciting and relevant science lessons around brand new innovative Earthwatch resources and Air Quality Education from Leicester City Council. Attend to become confident in using resources developed by Earthwatch and Leicester City Council – Air Quality Education team, develop learning opportunities linked to the curriculum around the resources for your school, be aware of free support to schools around Earthwatch’s Teach Earth and air quality education offers, network with other teachers and organisations to support your school.